July's Featured Non-Profit

Each month a new non-profit will be featured at han michelle. At the end of the month, 15% of the month's total profits will be donated. You can read each month's blog post to learn more.

Fred Hutch Esophageal Cancer Research Fund

Hi, friends! This month's non-profit is the Esophageal Cancer Research Fund at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. For those that may not know, esophageal cancer is rare and has a high mortality rate. It is becoming much more common in the U.S., and the goal of Fred Hutch's research is to, "develop effective prevention strategies and reduce mortality rates." You can read more here: https://www.fredhutch.org/en/research/diseases/cancers/esophageal-cancer.html

I selected this non-profit in honor of a greatly beloved co-worker of mine who recently passed away due to this disease. My co-worker's name was Albert, and he has left an incredible legacy at the City of Seattle. I worked closely with Albert over the past 4 years, and he had a heart of gold. He was kind and able to strike up a conversation with any and everyone. He was a loving husband and father and kept me up to date on his children's successes and adventures, and he never hesitated to offer help to anyone that needed it. Albert was the bright spot of each of my work days, and he always found a way to make me smile or laugh with his great sense of humor. I miss him terribly, and want to honor his memory and legacy by donating to life saving research to hopefully help others battling this disease.

Thank you for supporting me and this non-profit, and please read more about the disease so that you and your loved ones can get early screenings.



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